awesome speed of light animated powerpoint slide
Travel on a journey through time and space.
Requirements: PPT 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016. Note: This is a lower quality representation of the real speed of light effect.
You can easily copy and paste this effect into your existing presentations.
Speed of light in action |
Static Speed of Light background |
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This whole set is free to download as a .ZIP file
 Click here to download zip file
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These professional animated powerpoint backgrounds greatly enhance any space related presentation. You can download these templates today.
Keywords for this set:
animate, animated, animates, animating,
explore, explores, exploring,
faster than the speed of light
hyper space, hyperspace,
light travel,
mission, missions,
outer space, outerspace,
space, space exploration, speed, speed of light
the unknown, travel, travelling, traveling,
universe, unknown,
warp, warp speed,