awesome powerpoint maps US State Florida FL
Yes!, you can edit these maps in powerpoint. Recolor, resize, even edit individual points. Even the major city names are standard editable powerpoint text boxes.
FL Powerpoint map As supplied |
Resized, Zoomed in, ungrouped ready for editing |
Florida map Zoomed in 250% |
The same US State map Zoomed in 400% |
Each map comes with over 500 colorful markers |
Close up of pins, flags, numbers and markers |
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This whole set is free to download as a .ZIP file
 Click here to download zip file
Customers who downloaded these free Maps and Flags Backgrounds also bought:
Maps and Flags - Patriotic
Holiday - Animated US Flag |
These professional florida us state powerpoint maps greatly enhance any florida related business presentation. You can download these templates today.
Keywords for this set:
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FL, florida,
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