awesome gears animated powerpoint slides
These animated Gear slides are great to illustrate teamwork, working together, or when things are running like clockwork.
Requirements: PPT 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016. Note: These web animations are a lower quality representation of the real animated gear effect in powerpoint.
You can easily copy and paste these slides into your existing presentations.
You can set the direction, and how fast each cog rotates in powerpoint using the Custom Animation features.
Steel Gears Running smoothly |
Brightly colored cogs Running fast |
Rusty metal gears Slow and cranky |
Brass cogs Running like clockwork |
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This whole set is free to download as a .ZIP file
 Click here to download zip file
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These professional animated gears backgrounds greatly enhance any business presentation. You can download these templates today.
Keywords for this set:
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clockwork, cog, cogs,
gear, gear box, gear ratio, gears,
like clockwork,
mechanical, mechanism, mechanisms, mesh,
ratio, ratios, rotate, rotates, rotating, running smoothly, rust, rusty,
spur gear, spur gears, steel,
teamwork, teeth, torque, transition, transitions,
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