awesome free animated stars powerpoint background
Travel through space with another first for powerpoint from awesome backgrounds.
Requirements: PPT 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016.
You can easily copy and paste this effect into your existing presentations.
You can select from the ready-made speeds of fast, medium and slow, or you can control the speed via the 'custom animation' feature of powerpoint.
Note: This is a lower quality representation of the real animated star effect.
Animated Stars - title slide |
Animated Stars - Warp Drive |
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This whole set is free to download as a .ZIP file
 Click here to download zip file
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These professional animated stars powerpoint backgrounds greatly enhance any space related presentation. You can download these templates today.
Keywords for this set:
aerospace, animate, animated, animates, animating, animation, animations, astrology, astronomy,
explore, explores, exploring,
hyper space, hyperspace,
mission, missions,
outer space, outerspace, powerpoint animation,
reach for the stars,
space, space exploration,
star, starfield, stars,
the unknown, travel