awesome free magnetic letters countdown for powerpoint
This awesome powerpoint countdown is aimed at powerpoint users in education. Using the theme of fridge magnets.
Each countdown contains both a countdown and a count up.
By default each countdown is set with a 1 second delay per number, you can change this timer in powerpoint yourself.
PowerPoint users can also change the "transition" from each slide, for example Cover-Down.
PowerPoint 2002/XP/2003/2007/2010 users get the lovely push down effect, as illustrated below.
Note: These countdowns are not aimed to be used as a "background", with your content overlayed. However if you want to use them that way, then you can!
A standard quick 10 second countdown |
The push down countdown Requires PPT 2002/XP/2003/2007/2010 |
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Next set  |
This whole set is free to download as a .ZIP file
 Click here to download zip file
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These professional powerpoint countdown letters greatly enhance any education presentation. You can download these templates today.
Keywords for this set:
animation, anticipate, anticipation,
begin, beginning,
count, count down, count up, countdown, countdowns, counter, counters, counting, countup, countups,
five, fridge, four,
learn, learning, letter, letters,
nine, number, numbered, numbers,
second, seconds, seven, start, starting, starts, suspense,
sign, signs, six,
ten, ten seconds, three, timer, timing, two,