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third party powerpoint tutorials on the web
These are some of the better powerpoint tutorials we have found on our web travels
By Cindy Hollingsworth - A full tutorial covering all the basics (and more) of learning to use powerpoint 2000
By Cindy Hollingsworth - A full tutorial covering all the basics (and more) of learning to use powerpoint 2007
The AutoRun CD Creator - Step-by-step guides and workarounds to putting powerpoint presentations onto a CD.
The Mighty Coach - Bite size tutorials covering all the basics. Even better...why not sign up and watch a powerpoint video online?
Indezine's - Tutorial and guide all about text
PowerPoint in the Classroom - produced in conjunction with Microsoft
MIStupid - great powerpoint tutorial on working with the slide master
Recording narration in powerpoint - from the Microsoft
PowerPoint Magician's - tutorial for crafting power point presentations that work with assistive technology making presentations accessible. If you are doing any Section 508 or SCORM compliance work, then this is for you.
TechTutorials - constantly growing links to free powerpoint tutorials
On PowerPoint - Playing music on HTML presentations
PowerPoint Heaven - Tutorials available range from advanced PowerPoint animations to artworks ( e.g. drawing your first comic character, to doing things you thought were not possible to do in PowerPoint)